The Rapture of Spiritual Drunkards

Extracted from The Life of General William Booth – Chapter 25

Another account, this time of a “Musical Service,” shows how the enthusiasm of the people was welcomed as a return to the religion of the first century:

August, 1878.

The sight of the faces on the platform was one never to be forgotten — it was more than joy that lit them all up —it was the rapture of spiritual drunkards. When we saw one brother, advanced in years and stiffened by the long habit of solemn religious “ordinances,” dancing, yes, fairly dancing to the music, whilst others, less constrained, were tossing bare arms about and rolling hither and thither as they sang, we realized as never before how free and easy the grace of God can make the people. Here is once more the old religion, reckless of public opinion and full of glory and God which made it necessary for the apostles to recommend sobriety.

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